เกมสมองและการเต้นรำแสงเงา > #4

Chapter 4 begins with Emma and Oliver catching up over a cup of coffee in the psychology department lounge at Harvard University.
Oliver, I must say, your research on cognitive dissonance is groundbreaking. I'm glad I could be here at Harvard to witness your work firsthand.
Thank you, Emma. It's been a labor of love. I believe understanding cognitive dissonance can help us better understand human behavior and decision-making processes.
Absolutely. It's fascinating how people can experience psychological discomfort when their beliefs and actions are inconsistent. We can use this knowledge to bring about positive change in individuals and society.
Indeed, Emma. And speaking of change, I've been working with a former patient of mine who has experienced a remarkable transformation. It's truly inspiring.
That's wonderful, Oliver. It's amazing how therapy can help individuals overcome their struggles and find a new lease on life.
Yes, but unfortunately, not all stories have a happy ending. There are times when therapy doesn't work, and the consequences can be dire.
What do you mean, Oliver?
There's a former patient of mine, John, who had severe anger issues. Despite my efforts, I wasn't able to help him channel his aggression in a healthy way. I'm afraid he might seek revenge on me one day.
That sounds dangerous, Oliver. Have you taken any precautions?
I've alerted campus security, but I never thought he'd come all the way to Harvard. I hope I'm just being paranoid.
We should not take any risks, Oliver. Let's inform the authorities right away.
You're right, Emma. Let's go to the campus security office and share our concerns.
Emma and Oliver rush to the campus security office to report their fears about John, Oliver's disturbed former patient.
As they enter the security office, they are greeted by Officer Jones, a seasoned veteran of campus security.
Officer Jones, we need your help. We believe that a former patient of Oliver's may pose a threat to us and the university.
Officer Jones
I take every threat seriously. Can you provide me with more information about this individual?
His name is John. He was one of my patients, struggling with anger issues. I fear that he might try to seek revenge on me.
Officer Jones
I'll put an alert out to all campus security personnel. We'll do everything we can to ensure your safety and apprehend this individual if necessary.
Thank you, Officer Jones. We appreciate your immediate action.
Officer Jones sets the security protocol in motion, increasing patrols and surveillance around campus.
One evening, as Emma and Oliver are leaving the psychology department after a late-night research session, they notice a shadowy figure lurking in the distance.
Oliver, do you see that? It looks like someone is following us.
Stay calm, Emma. Let's pick up our pace and head towards the main campus area. There will be more people around.
Emma and Oliver quicken their steps, and the shadowy figure follows suit, closing in on them.
Footsteps quicken, heartbeats pound.
Oliver, I think we're in real danger. We need to find a safe place.
I know a shortcut through the library. Follow me!
Emma and Oliver sprint towards the library, weaving through bookshelves and narrow aisles.
Just as they reach the library exit, the shadowy figure lunges at Oliver, trying to grab him.
A struggle ensues, grunts and groans fill the air.
Emma, full of adrenaline and fear, fights back, kicking and screaming.
Get off him! Leave us alone!
With a final push, Emma manages to free Oliver from the attacker's grasp.
Run, Emma! Get to safety!
Are you okay?
I'll be fine. Just go!
Emma hesitates for a moment, then turns and runs towards the campus security office.
Officer Jones
Emma, what happened? Are you okay?
Oliver was attacked near the library. Please, you have to help him!
Officer Jones immediately radios for backup and rushes to the library, leaving Emma in the safety of the security office.
Officer Jones
This is Officer Jones. We have an emergency situation at the library. Requesting immediate backup!
A thrilling chase unfolds through the dark and deserted campus of Harvard University as Officer Jones and his team pursue the disturbed former patient, John.
The chase leads them through the labyrinthine hallways, across empty courtyards, and finally onto the rooftops of campus buildings.
Footsteps pound against the concrete, breaths quick and heavy.
With each obstacle, John grows more determined and desperate, while Officer Jones and his team push forward with unwavering resolve.
Sirens wail in the distance, helicopters hover above.
I knew you wouldn't give up, Officer Jones. Thank you for protecting us.
Officer Jones
It's my duty, Oliver. We won't let him harm anyone else. We're closing in.
Finally, in a narrow alleyway, Officer Jones corners John, bringing an end to the intense chase.
Grunts and struggles echo off the brick walls.
John, filled with rage and desperation, fights back with all his strength.
Officer Jones
It's over, John. Surrender peacefully. There's no way out.
With a final burst of energy, Officer Jones subdues John, cuffing him and ensuring he can no longer pose a threat.
Officer Jones
You're under arrest for assault and endangerment. You have the right to remain silent.
The dangerous situation comes to a close as Emma and Oliver, shaken but safe, reunite at the security office.
Thank goodness you're all right, Oliver. That was terrifying.
I'm just glad we made it out alive. Thank you for being there, Emma. Your bravery saved me.
We made quite the team, didn't we? Let's hope this is the end of our dangerous encounters.
As Emma and Oliver reflect on the events that unfolded, they realize the importance of trust, teamwork, and the resilience of the human spirit.